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Feb 5, 2020

Kevin is pleased to welcome Izzy, the voice behind the wonderful Oscar-obsessed YouTube channel Be Kind Rewind, to talk about Billy Wilder's 'Sunset Boulevard,' the likely runner-up in the 1950 Oscar race that lost to 'All About Eve.' 

0:00 - 1:18 - Introduction

1:19 - 43:30 - 'Sunset Boulevard' review

43:31 - 1:31:28 - Why 'Sunset Boulevard' lost Best Picture

1:31:29 - 1:54:54 - Shoulda been a contender

1:54:55 - 1:58:31 - Did 'Sunset Boulevard' deserve to win?

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@bkrewind and Be Kind Rewind

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Theme/End Music is "The Virtue" by Jonathan Adamich